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    01-26 14:20:01    浏览次数: 770次    栏目:考研试题

标签:考研英语真题,考研真题,考研政治真题,考研数学真题,http://www.deyou8.com 医博英语历年真题摘要写作范文(二),

Many diseases of today are caused by bad mental conditions, work and stress, family problems, etc. Medication doesn’t usually effect in these cases because it doesn’t treat the cause of the ailments. Behavioral prescription, with its physical and mental massage like sports and dancing, can help patients stay off the cause of their diseases. Therefore, it is advocated by many doctors and health experts.
It is expected that behavioral prescription will applied more widely as an effective therapy in the near future.f
Writing Drill  7  Smoking and Health
It is not until recently that smoking has been firmly proved to be hazardous to health. It irritates the throat and respiratory passages. It sometimes leads to poor appetite, nausea, short breath, and irregular heartbeat. More importantly, smoking is associated with chronic and fatal diseases of respiratory tract. Evidence shows that smokers are more likely than nonsmokers to develop cancer of the lungs, throat, tongue, and jaw, emphysema and bronchitis as well. As a result, many nations have made enormous efforts to warn people of the dangers of smoking.
While smoking, particles of tobacco tar and smoke slow down the work of cilia. The tar collected in the lungs can cause cancer. Moreover, nicotine in tobacco can be simulating by affecting various centers on the medulla oblongata region of the brain. It can affect other physiological process that in turn affect the respiratory center in the brain. It can also influence other centers that slow down the action of the heart, constrict the arteries, and cause vomiting.
In brief, smoking does nothing but harm to people’s health. Therefore, smokers of any age or kind should try to give it up.
Writing Drill  9   Handwashing and Health
Hospital infection is one of the causes of morbidity and mortality. The risk of transmitting pathogens by the hands of health care workers (HCWs) is increasingly big today. A simple and effective way of prevention is handwashing.
But it is found that HCWs don’t always wash their hands before and after patient contacts. Semmelweis, a Viennese doctor in 1847, believed that high puerperal fever rate in some wards was caused by the hands of some medical students. He ordered that all students wash their hands with chlorinated lime before and between all patient contacts. As a result, the rate fell sharply. His methods were used by some other hospitals but his beliefs were ignored largely at that time.
In the 1980s, a government health organization recommended that handwashing be imposed. But it has not been well compiled, even in ICUs, despite some efforts to improve compliance. The traditional handwashing practice has not been changed yet.
 HCWs have their own excuse for the resistance, such as no time, skin irritation, etc. Some say they have done it but surveys prove otherwise. With more multidrug-resistant pathogens on the increase. HCWs have to know that handwashing means health. HCWs: wash your hands before or between patient contacts.
本篇短文主要讲了通过洗手防止和减少医院获得性感染的问题, 这篇短文总的说来结构比较清晰,总结归纳起来相对容易,摘要写作当中,首先要将摘要分成三个部分,先象一般的论文一样写个引言,介绍主题,其次写Semmelweis首先发现了医务工作者不洗手而接触病人会造成感染,而洗手可以减少这种感染及引起的死亡率,尽管他的方法没有得到当时医学界的认可,最后是结论部分,写20世纪80年代,政府健康机构也要求强制洗手,但执行情况并不尽如人意。
Writing Drill 10   Dangerous Factors in Maturing
On their way to adulthood, adolescens are faced with many dangerous factors. These may include sexual encounters with HIV carriers, violence, mental and sexual abuse, drug abuse, smoking, as well as the negligence from the adults.
What can doctors do to make the teenagers’ world a safer place? Perhaps we should first call for attention from the medical profession to the long ignored needs of teenagers. Some critics suggest that adolescent medicine become a medical subspecialty for more and proper attention to teenagers’ needs. Of course, there are some difficulties such as policymakers’ focus on more general practitioners whereas adolescents are poorly served by the medical community.