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we love animals

    06-21 11:33:28    浏览次数: 749次    栏目:小学三年级英语教案

标签:人教版三年级英语教案,pep三年级英语教案,http://www.deyou8.com we love animals,


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2)进一步巩固句型:Do you like...?Yes,I do./No,I don't.以及I like...和I don't like...












学生学习剑桥英语已有一年半之久,他们学习英语的兴趣浓厚,已具备交流简单个人信息的能力。活泼爱玩,好表现自己是他们的天性。We love animals这一单元的主题是他们既熟悉又喜爱的动物,该课中的大部分动物单词学生已经学过,句型学生已熟练掌握,所以说学习这一课对于他们来说是件轻松愉快的事情。


1.Leading in

T:Just now,we watched "The Lion King",do you like animals?What can you see?Which animals do you like?Do you like panda?

2.Pre-task Preparation

1)Boys and girls,we are in the forest now,let's do some exercises.Listen and act.

Hands up.Hands down.Act like a dog/cat/monkey.Fly like a bird.Swim like a fish.Jump like a rabbit.Run like a horse.Walk like an elephant.

2)CAI shows pictures of four animals tails.

T:Look and guess.What animals are they?

S:It's a dog/an elephant/a horse/a monkey.

3)CAI shows eight photos of animals.

T:Look and say.What do you like?

S:I like sheep...

4)Let's chant.Ss say the chant with T.

I like sheep.I like goats.I like horses.I like dogs.

I like chicks.I like ducks.I like cows.I like cats.

5)CAI shows a big apple tree.

T:Now let's play a game.There are many apples on the tree,and each apple has a picture of an animal in back of it.I'll call one of you to pick an apple then write down this word on the blackboard.If it is right,I'll give you a smiling face.

6)Game:Find friends.

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www.deyou8.com ①Give every S a card.

②T gives a model.

Sa:Do you like elephants?

Sb:No,I don't like elephants.

Sa:Do you like elephants?

Sb:Yes,I like elephants.

Sa:We're friends.

③Ss free talk.

④Check it up.

Sa:We're friends because we like elephants.

3.Post-task Activities

1)T:Do you know which animal I like best?Can you guess?

T:(Show the toy giraffe and give the reasons.)Giraffe is my favourite animal.It is very pretty.It's very tall.It has got a small head,a long neck and a small tail.I like giraffes.Do you like giraffes?

S1:Yes,I like giraffes.

T:Great!This is for you.(Give her a smiling face.)

2)Activity:We love animals.(Show six toys:panda,monkey elephant,rabbit,snake,cat.)Divide the students into six groups,every group choose an animal,and discuss how to introduce it to others.

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