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    01-08 15:04:26    浏览次数: 328次    栏目:书信

标签:英文书信,英语书信格式,中文书信格式,http://www.deyou8.com [书信作文]六芒星中小学作文培训网,书信,

商务信函的书信格局 作文600字

1.The top part of a business letter高中生作文网 作文600字

日期:Date: 23 December 2000 作文800字

地址:Mr. James Green
Sales manager
55-60 Old St, London E6 6HG 作文800字

称谓:Dear Mr. Green (Dear Gentlemen, Dear Sir, Dear Sirs, Dear Madam) 作文900字

2.The body part of a business letter 作文400字



正文 作文900字

3. Look at the two endings of business letter below. Notice the useful phrases that are used in these letters.


(1)Please let me know if this is convenience.
I look forward to hearing from you.


Best wishes
Yours sincerely,




Ms. Gillian Janes
Personnel Nanager 300字作文

(2)Please phone us to confirm the details.
We look forward to receiving your comments. 作文300字

Yours faithfully 500字作文

(signature) 300字作文

for Ms. Gillian Jones
Personnel Manager 700字作文

商务信件书写扼要吓 800字作文

Brief Introduction to Business Letters
Words and expressions:
Attention line
Subject line
Carbon copy
Full block style(齐头式)
Indented style 作文700字

Section A Parts of Business Letters
Most business letters have seven standard parts.
They are letterhead, reference and date, inside address, salutation, body, complimentary close, and signature.
When appropriate, any of the following optional items can be included.
Attention line, subject line, file or account number, enclosures, carbon copy notation, mailing notation and postscript.


Letterhead designs vary with business organizations and occupy the top of the first page.
They may be positioned at the center or at the left margin the top of the page.
A business letterhead, usually printed, contains all or some of the following elements:
The company’s name , address, postcode, telephone number, telex number, fax number, the name of the officer or the director and even some picture or slogan for a symbol of the company.


Reference and Date
A typewritten date is necessarily included in the heading.
The date is usually placed two lines below the last line of the letterhead at left margin for full block style or ending with the right margin for indented style.
It is usual to show the date in the order day/month/year ( English Practice) or month /day /year (American practice).
Avoid giving a date in figures and abbreviations. 作文300字

Inside Address
The inside address is typed directly below the date line at the left hand margin.
The inside address of a letter to an individual consists of the person’s courtesy title, name, business or executive title ( it should be used immediately after the name) and address.
When the letter is to a group, the inside address includes the full group name and the address.
Care should be taken to address the recipient exactly as on the envelope. 作文300字

Salutation is placed at the left margin two lines below the inside address and two lines above the body of the letter.
Considered a polite greeting with which a friendly business letter begins, the personal salutation must be appropriate for the first line of the inside address.
If the letter is addressed to an individual, It is usual to use:
Dear Mr. Smith,
Dear Ms. John,
Dear Prof. Hobart,
Dear Dr. Walter,
The trend is towards Ms. As the courtesy title for all women regardless of their marital status.
When addressing a letter to a firm, Dear Sirs, Ladies and gentlemen or Gentlemen (American English ) would be used. 作文700字

Attention Line
An attention line is considered a part of the inside address and it leads the letter to a particular person or department when the letter is addressed to a company.
It is usually between the inside address and the salutation or above the inside address ,as shown in examples:
Attention: Import Dept.
For the attention of Mr. Donnan, Sales manager
Attention of Mr. Standard, General Manager. 600字作文

Subject line
The subject heading is regarded as a part of the body of a business letter.
Usually it is in the upper case or initial capitals/underline and placed between the salutation and the body of a letter to call attention to what content the letter is about. For example:
Dear Ms. Smith,
Our Catalogue No.2,
Opening Sentence
The first paragraph of the body is introductory.
It will always begin with reference to the previous letter received and provide an introduction to what will be discussed.
Here are examples as follows:
(1),Your letter of 9’’ September to our Beijing
(2),We refer to quotations of 8’’october and our mail offer of 1’’ December regarding the supply of Speedo swimming caps.
(3)We acknowledge, with thanks, receipt of your binding application form for the 76’’ international Exhibition in March, 1998.
(4),We are pleased to inform you that the arrangements have now been made to ship the cotton underwear under your Order no.456.
(5), We regret up to the time of writing we have not heard anything from you about the shipment under the captioned contract. 作文800字

Complimentary close
The complimentary close is simply a polite way to end a letter.
The expression for the complimentary close should match the salutation.
It appears in the middle of the page and two lines below the closing sentence for indented layout.
While it starts at the left-hand margin for fully blocked letters.
Only the initial letter in the first word of any complimentary close is capitalized. 作文600字

The signature mainly consists of the addresser’s signature, he typed name of his and his business title.
Name of the company if it is previously printed on the letterhead.
The addresser should sign the letter by hand and in ink above the typed name which the typed post follows immediately.
Signing on behalf of somebody else ,it is usual to write for pp or per pro before he letter. 900字作文

Enc. Or Encs. Is typed two lines spaces after the signature of the address when something is sent along with the letter.
An enclosure can be anything in the envelope in addition to the message itself.
Examples are as follows: Enc.: 1 Price List
If the enclosed are more than on, the number should be marked. www.deyou8.com作文网

When you find something forgotten to be included in the letter body before the envelope is to be sealed up.
You may state it after the signature in a postscript with a simple signature again.

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