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About ways to contact you

    06-22 12:38:36    浏览次数: 551次    栏目:礼仪英语

标签:商务礼仪英语,西餐礼仪英语,礼仪英语怎么说,http://www.deyou8.com About ways to contact you,

A: Shall we notify you of our decision by mail or phone?

B: Either will do. My address and telephone number is written on my resume.

A: We'll get in touch with you as soon as we've made our decision. Thank you for coming.

B: Thank you for your having interviewed me. See you again.

A: I'll contact you by next Saturday. Thank you for your interest in our company.

B: Thank you, sir (madam). I hope to see you again.

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