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    11-14 22:50:03    浏览次数: 923次    栏目:礼仪英语

标签:商务礼仪英语,西餐礼仪英语,礼仪英语怎么说,http://www.deyou8.com 不可不知的商务礼仪,

          While speaking with a visitor during an appointment, you should bear in mind that listening is as essential as talking. Nothing is more irritating and insulting to a visitor to have an appointment interrupted by continual phone calls. You need instruct your assistant to hold all calls except emergencies until the end of your appointment. If your phone system includes a "message taking" feature, be sure to make use them. If the caller is veering too far away from the subject, you might say: "Since I have another appointment in a few minutes, I'd like to discuss our primary concern."