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当前位置:得优网语句网名人名言经典台词王家卫电影《东邪西毒》经典台词对白 中英文版本

王家卫电影《东邪西毒》经典台词对白 中英文版本

    01-20 14:42:26    浏览次数: 861次    栏目:经典台词

标签:电影经典台词,经典台词大全,蜗居经典台词,http://www.deyou8.com 王家卫电影《东邪西毒》经典台词对白 中英文版本,


1、She's been waiting outside for several days now
What can I do?In my trade,No one drags his wife along.
洪七 :赶她不走,有什么办法!难道要我带着老婆闯荡江湖吗?
Nothing is impossible.There are no rules.

2、Ouyng Feng:Do you recall our first meeting?
Huang yaoshi:No.
Ouyng Feng:Well, why are you here then?
Huang yaoshi:I don’t remember.
Ouyng Feng:Why are you staring at the cage?
Huang yaoshi:Looks familiar to me.

3、If I'm killed please don't do this to me.I don't want to be a speaking corpse.

4、It was only when I left that I found out what "Peach blossoms" meant.It was the name of a woman.

5、If I was those swordsman from the militia,I'd have refused to die.Their lives were worth only an egg!

6、My answer will always be the same:I won't go with you.
大嫂 :你就算明天再问我,我答案还是一样,我不跟……
There're some words that I'll never say after tonight.Will you come with me?
I won't go with you.I'll be your brother's wife from today.There's only one person who can hold me.And that's your elder brother from now on.No one else can do that.经典语录大全 http://www.deyou8.com
大嫂 :你也不会好过。不跟!你记住,从今天开始,我就是你的嫂子,以后可以拉我手的人只有一个,就是你哥哥,其他人没资格!

7、I was like you.I thought my sweetheart would wait for me.I wanted to become an expert swordsman.When I returned,she had married my brother.
It's useless to be here.I cannot help you.Leave! Think of something else!
Please help me! I beg you!
孝女 :我求求你了。 
It's no use.I'm just an agent.You must solve your own problem.

8、I had thought that you two would be together.Why didn't you marry him?
Because he never said he loved me
大嫂 :他从没说过他喜欢我。
There are things you don't need to say
But it's what I needed to hear.He was too sure of himself.He thought he was the only person I'd marry.He'd never imagined I'd marry his brother.He asked me to elope with him on my wedding night.I turned him down.It was too late for him to win back my love.I had decided that I'd never give in again.
大嫂 :我只需要他说一句话罢了,但他不肯讲,他太自信了,他以为我一定会嫁给他,谁知道我嫁给了他哥哥。在我们结婚当晚,他要我跟他走,但我没有。为什么要等到失去的时候才去争取?既然是这样,我不会让他得到。


9、Huang yaoshi:May I buy you a drink?
I just want water tonight.
Huang yaoshi:Have we met before?
More than that. You’ve been my very best friend…..but not any more now. What are you doing here?

10、I couldn’t bring myself to drink the magic wine.I didn’t drink a single drop of it.But it did seem to work on Huang….After drinking half a pot, he started to lose his memory.

11、Ever since that night my friend never returned.I came here to look for him.But, he died without forgiving me.

12、I never told her that I love her.Because I know the untasted fruit is the sweetest.She seems to care a lot for the kid.But I knew she was thinking of someone else.Feng, you've made me very jealous.How I've longed to be loved.Yet all I do is hurt other people.

13、I won't help Hong Qi because he didn't obey me.You're responsible for his finger.Save him!I know you've only come to me because you're helpless.I've been waiting for this.I recall you once told me you'd never sacrifice yourself for anyone.Let us see whether you will hold your word.

14、A little later those horse thieves returned.Before I took Hong Qi to the villagers,I bought him a pair of shoes.Because there's quite a difference in the fee paid......to a shoeless swordsman and one with shoes.

15、Don't sacrifice yourself for me.I am prepared to die?if it is needed You paid me more than enough with your egg.I've eaten it.You don't owe me anything.Don't do anything stupid.Do not forget there's always someone waiting for you.
洪七 :不要为我做任何事。如果这次我真的死了,我也会死得很高兴。我帮你是为了那鸡蛋,鸡蛋我已经吃了,你没欠我什么,别做傻事。记住,还有人在等你

6、This young man is called Hong Qi.He is an expert swordsman.But he doesn't like wearing shoes.I could tell, he'd make a lot of money for me.But I must say, I don't like him much.A fortune-teller once warned me:Avoid the number seven,It is the bringer of death.The first time I met him.He'd just left his hometown.

17、To lose a finger over the price of an egg?You think it's worth it?
No.But I felt great!This is me.I should have been unharmed.I've become slower with my sword lately.I never used to have any second thoughts.For me, a blow was a blow.I never gave much thoughts to values.I thought I'd remain like this until this girl came to me.I didn't realise I had become so heartless.I could have said no to her because I knew you'd never agree.I hated myself for refusing her. You've been a bad influence on me.I am not myself anymore.No, I don't want to be like you.You would never have risked your life for an egg.That's the difference between us.
洪七 :不值得!但我觉得痛快,这才是我自己。我本来应该没事,但是我的刀没以前的快了。我以前快是因为我直接,认为是对的就去做,从来不去想什么代价。我以为自己一辈子不会变,直到那个女孩来求我,我才发现我自己完全变了,我竟然没有答应她,因为我知道你一定不会答应。那天,我很失望,我觉得我已经和你混在一起,变成了一个人,没有了自己。我不想跟你一样,因为我知道欧阳峰绝对不会为一只鸡蛋去冒险,这是我和你的分别