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    06-22 10:45:56    浏览次数: 890次    栏目:毕业论文格式

标签:论文格式范文,论文格式模板,论文格式要求,http://www.deyou8.com 标准毕业论文格式,







毕   业   论   文






    学    号            

  专    业            

  班    级            



   2004 年    月


Reflection on Chomsky’s Idealization of Language


I. Introduction

II. Demonstration

A. Language as a concrete system of signs, has its own significance in the context of society.

1. Language is a system.

2.The conventionalization of language.

B. Language as a social institution, is born with society. It develops and interacts  with the society.

1. Communicative function of language.

2. Language evolves hand in hand with the society.

  a.Influences from the society upon language.

  1)   Macrolinguistic perceptive

  2) Microlinguistic perceptive

  b.Influences from language upon society

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