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    01-26 14:42:54    浏览次数: 137次    栏目:职称英语考试试题

标签:职称英语考试试题,职称英语考试答案,职称英语考试真题,http://www.deyou8.com 2009年职称英语综合类B级补全短文真题答案,
2009年度全国职称外语等级考试试卷       综合类B   补全短文(第46—50题,每题2分,共10分)。下面的短文有5处空白,短文后有6个句子.其中5个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置.以恢复文章原貌。   A Bad ldea
    Think you can walk,drive,take phone calls,e-mail and listen to music at the same time? Well,New York’s new law says you can’t _____ (46)the law went into force last month.following research and a shocking number of accidents that involved people using electronic gadgets (小巧机械) when crossing the street.
    Who’s to blame? _____(47)”We are under the impression that our ,brain can do more than it often can.”says Rend Marcia,a neuroscientist(神经科学家)in
 Tennessee. "But a core limitation is the inability to concentrate on two things at once".The young people are often considered the great multitaskers _____(48)A group of 18-to 21-year-olds and a group of 35-to 39-year-olds were given 90 seconds to translate images into numbers.using a simple code_____(49)But when both groups were interrupted by a phone call or an instant message,the older group matched the younger group in speed and accuracy.
    It is difficult to measure the productivity lost by multitaskers.But it is probably a lot Jonathan Spira.chief analyst at Basex,a business-research firm.estimates the cost of interruptions to the American economy at neariy$650 billion a year. _____(50)the surveys concludethat28 percent of the workers’time Was spent on interruptions and recovery time before they returned to their main tasks.
A Talking on a cellphone while driving brings you joy anyway.
B The estimate is based on surveys with office workers
C The younger group did 10 percent better when not interrupted
D However, an Oxford University research suggests this perception is open to question
E Scientists say that our multitasking(多任务处理)abilities are limited
F And you’ll befined$100ifyou do so on a New York City street 【参考答案】
46. 答案为F:And you’ll be fined $100 if you do so on a New York City street.(如果你在纽约街道上一心多用, 你讲被罚&100美元。)
47. 答案为E:Scientists say that our multitasking abilities are limited. (科学家们说我们的多任务处理能力是有限的)
48. 答案为D:However, an Oxford University research suggests this preception is open to question. (然而,牛津大学的一项研究提出这种认识令人质疑。)
49. 答案为C:The younger group did 10 percent better when not interrupted. (如果没有干扰, 年轻人所在的那个小组的表现比成年人好10%) 
50. 答案为B: The estimate is based on surveys with office workers.(根据对办公室工作者进行的调查结果得出这一估计值)
提示: 在该补全短文题中上下文中词语衔接手段的识别是主要的考察点, 也是解题时重点要的破题点。     推荐信息: