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    11-14 22:55:21    浏览次数: 661次    栏目:九年级英语教案

标签:初三英语教案,新目标九年级英语教案,人教版九年级英语教案,http://www.deyou8.com 初三英语课案分析,
初三英语课案分析   青岛第五十中学/许肖敏 摘自:《青岛第五十中学》 一、课文简介 本课为初中英语第三册,第8单元,第30 课,题目是“圣诞节”,是一篇阅读文章。本单元围绕庆贺节日的话题展开各项语言活动。本单元的主要交际功能项目为:圣诞节和新年的节日问候。英语新课程标准中要求学生掌握的表达祝愿及问答的日常交际用语大部分在本单元都有所体现。本课是本单元的中心,介绍了西方国家庆祝圣诞活动,圣诞老人的故事以及基督精神。学生通过学习,掌握有关圣诞节的词汇,了解西方国家的“圣诞文化”,加深对基督精神的理解,并能向别人介绍圣诞节。 二、学习者分析 初三学生经过两年的英语学习,有了初步的阅读能力,能借助于词典正确理解课文,对课文所讲述庆祝圣诞情况也略知一二。他们也有能力通过网络查询有关信息。此阶段的学生还具有较强的“自我”发展意识,对具有一定知识性及历史背景的语言材料表现出浓厚的兴趣。 三、教学目标及其对应的课程标准 1.语言知识目标 学生能够根据音标正确读出,记住kind-hearted 等14个单词,了解它们的词性,语法功能及体现于词汇中特殊的文化含义;掌握even though 等到15个词组的用法,会使用这些词汇描述圣诞节庆祝活动; 会正确使用近义词。 2.语言技能目标 听:能基本听懂课文录音,并回答有关问题。 说:能正确描述有关圣诞活动。 读:能读懂难易程度与课文相当的短文。 写:能以圣诞为题写一篇100字的短文。 3.情感态度目标 具有积极向上的学习态度,乐于进行小组合作,不懂不会之处,主动寻求帮助,积极举手回答问题,积极探究问题,不断提高学习英语的积极性和自信心。 4.学习策略 积极预习,复习课文,思考问题,记好笔记,在学习中大胆联想,学会运用知识。大胆与同学用英语交流,积极思考问题,掌握重点难点,学会运用速读,细读技巧阅读文章。学会正确运用词汇描述事物,熟悉西方主要节日的庆典活动。积极利用媒体,资料,网络资源辅助学习,探讨问题,开拓视野,拓宽知识面。 5.文化意识 “圣诞”是西方文化的奠基。了解“圣诞”有助于学好英语并理解西方文化。通过本课的学习,学生了解西方文化及基督精神,让 “It’s better to give than to receive.” 融入学生的思想中;并在提高语言能力和交际能力的同时,提高跨文化交际能力。 四、教学重点 1.词汇 from house to house, do sth. for fun, on Christmas Eve, during the night, as well, fill …with, is based on, It is said…, spirit of generosity, live on, Merry Christmas, no longer, in a single night, Father Christmas,can’t wait to do sth. 2.关于圣诞节的文化知识 五、教学难点 fill…with /be filled with/be full of 的不同用法 no longer =not any longer too 前加 not, never 表示 肯定, 例:You’re never too old to learn.. 六、教学理念 英语新课程标准提出“将学生的发展作为英语课程的出发点和归宿”,制定了“知识与技能,过程与方法,情感与价值观三位一体”的课程功能,旨在帮助学生掌握学习英语的方法,培养他们终身学习的能力,这充分体现了“以人为本”的教育理念。英语教学应创设一种互动的,开放创新的教学关系。教师不仅仅是传授语言知识,而是学生语言技能的培养者,个性发展的辅助者,学习的指导者。师生共享信息,共同欣赏文章,共同了解异国文化,彼此交流感受与观念,实现教学相长,共同发展。在教学中教师要关注学生的情感态度,要激发学生学习英语的兴趣及探究精神,要帮助学生形成有效的学习方式,关注学生的个体差异,帮助学生构建积极向上的健康的文化意识。

>>《初三英语课案分析》这篇教育教学文章来自[www.deyou8.com网]www.deyou8.com 收集与整理,感谢原作者。 七、教学方式 1.采用个人阅读,小组讨论,回答问题寻找难点,讨论解决,教师补充讲解的方法。学生在这教学过程中始终处于主体地位,是学习的参与者,通过感知,体验,实践,参与与合作实现任务目标;教师是协助者,调控者。 2.教师在教学过程中注意观察学生的表现,是否积极学习,积极参加小组讨论,积极举手发言,参与语言活动。对于积极的学生给以表扬与鼓励,对于性格内向的学生也要为他们创造练习的机会,鼓励他们大胆参与语言实践。 八、教学媒体和教学技术 为使课堂教学生动活泼,需采用多媒体制做课件,包括图片,重点词组,难点讲解和巩固练习。 九、教学过程 1.教学准备阶段 A.利用PowerPoint制做课件。 B.布置学生听录音预习单词,课文。 C布置学生上网查询圣诞节的由来。 2.课堂教学 步骤1、导入 A.展示预习 请两位小组代表向全班报告“关于圣诞节”; B.教师提问,学生回答: When is Christmas Day? How do Western people celebrate it? 步骤2、展示 A.看图片(课件),回答下面问题: What can you see in the picture? What does Father Christmas look like? What is the use of the stocking on his back? What is he doing? B.学生以“On Christmas Eve” 开头接故事。 步骤3、阅读 A.速读课文,小组讨论并回答问题: Where did the children think the Christmas presents come from when they were young? B.细读课文并找出本课词组,教师加以补充并板书(见重点:词汇) C.学生练习用下列词组造句,教师纠正错误。 as well, be based on, It is said that…, even though, can’t wait to do 步骤4、朗读 学生听录音跟读一遍。 步骤5、练习 A.学生讨论并回答Wb. Ex.1 B.学生讨论各段落大意,两名小组代表在全班交流。 C.讨论难点,教师加以解释, 学生造句。 fill…with /  be filled with /`  be full of no longer = not any longer too 前加 not, never 表示 肯定, 例: You’re never too old to learn. D.突破难点专练。 选词填空: fill…with, no longer, too…to, full of 1. Lucy is      a little girl            _. 2. She could            go on reading. 3. He     the bottle     medicine. 4. When I read the good news, I                   pride. 5. Again she            of hope and happiness. 6. It’s     good     be true. (Keys: 1. not …any longer  2. no longer  3. filled…with  4. was filled with  5. was full of  6. too…to 步骤 6  讲述圣诞节 四人小组讲述,可采取对话,采访,接故事等多种形式。两个小组在全班交流。 步骤7 补充阅读,全班核对答案。 The spirit of Christmas TIFFANY WAS A VERY LUCKY GIRL. Her family was very rich. Every Christmas she got many, many presents. She got everything she asked for and much, much more. However, Tiffany wasn’t happy. Christmas wasn’t so much fun anymore. She always knew before Christmas morning what her presents would be. Starting right after Thanks giving, Tiffany often heard stories about the spirit of Christmas on TV and the radio. These stories always talked about how Christmas made people feel happy and friendly toward everyone.  But Tiffany never felt this way. One day she asked her best friend, Heather,“What is the spirit of Christmas?  I know my mom and dad love me and give me everything I ever want, but I’m not happy.  Christmas makes me feel sad.”  Heather said, “Tiffany, why don’t you come with me to the orphanage in town. We can volunteer our help. We can help feed the babies and do whatever else is needed. Maybe this will make you feel better.” “I don’t see how helping out at an orphanage can make me feel better. But it you want me to go with you, I will.” The next day after school the two girls walked to the orphanage. Tiffany didn’t like the smell of the orphanage. It didn’t smell like Christmas without a real Christmas tree.  In fact, the orphanage didn’t have a real Christmas tree at all. It just had a tree drawn on paper that someone put on the wall. The manager asked Heather and Tiffany to help the children make Christmas decorations for the tree. They were coloring paper balls and stars to put on the paper Christmas tree. Tiffany helped a little boy, Jason, whose hair wasn’t combed and whose trousers were too short for him. His shirt was old and had a hole in it. As they were coloring together, Tiffany tried to be as helpful as possible. She helped him pick out the colors and draw pretty pictures on his balls and stars. Together they made 10 balls and stars. “Wow, look how many balls and stars we made together, Jason, you are a good artist!  I think we are finished now, don’t you?” Jason took one more star and said, “No, I have one more to make.” He took his time and colored the last star very carefully. He took his time and colored the last star very carefully. He drew a beautiful picture of an angel on it. “That is the most beautiful of all,” said Tiffany. “It’s for you because you so patiently helped me,” replied Jason. At that moment, Tiffany knew what the spirit of Christmas was. The star that Jason colored for her meant more to her than all the presents her parents would give her. Jason had given all e had to her. She understood that the spirit of Christmas wasn’t in the getting, but in the giving. Judge the following sentences. Tiffany was always happy on Christmas Day. The orphanage is a place where homeless children live. There were many coloring balls and stars on the Christmas tree in the orphanage. Jason made a very beautiful star with an angel on it for Tiffany. Tiffany knew at last that the spirit of Christmas was in giving, not in getting. 步骤8 小节 由学生总结所学内容。 步骤9  写作 A.以“圣诞节”为题写一篇短文。(80--100字) B.教师选读讲解作文两篇 步骤10  布置作业 两篇课外阅读,并做文后题。 十、课后反思 通过学生自己上网查阅资料,培养了科研精神,激发了学生的兴趣。课前展示预习满足了学生的展现自我能力的欲望。本课的设计主线以Christmas 为中心。课堂上通过师生共同活动,对圣诞节常识的提问和学生对圣诞老人图片的描述以及归纳总结与圣诞节相关的词语,使学生对圣诞节常识有了更进一步了解。学生小组讨论问题及难点,形成互助互动的学习环境,增加了口语练习机会.。学生主动参与,大脑处于积极活跃状态,对于接受新知识大有好处。难点讲解之后,配以同义句填空练习,使师生得以及时了解自己的教学情况,巩固所学知识。各种形式的讲述圣诞,为学生提供了巩固所学知识,发展语言技能的平台,使所学语言活起来,学生从书本走进现实生活中,在日常交往中有效地进行表达。另外,补充材料使学生增加了阅读兴趣,拓宽了知识面,加深了对基督精神和西方文化的理解。

>>《初三英语课案分析》这篇教育教学文章来自[www.deyou8.com网]www.deyou8.com 收集与整理,感谢原作者。