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第一册Find the right place!

    06-21 11:48:10    浏览次数: 580次    栏目:七年级英语教案

标签:初一英语教案,七年级下册英语教案,新目标七年级英语教案,http://www.deyou8.com 第一册Find the right place!,

step1 Revision:





Step2 presantation:


in front of,behind,next to,near,between and

example:i sit behind lilei.

you sit next to me.

2,look at the picture

ask questions like this:

-it is near the bookshop.

ask ss to practise like this.

step3 read and act:

ask two ss to act the dialogue

and master how to ask for directions.

step4 homework:

1,do exx1,2,3

2,review the new words.

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