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    11-14 22:55:02    浏览次数: 338次    栏目:英语小故事

标签:英语小故事资料大全,http://www.deyou8.com 牛郎织女英文版,


A young cowherd named Niulang the cowherd happens across seven fairy sisters bathing in a lake. Encouraged by his mischievous companion the ox, he steals their clothes and waits to see what will happen. The fairy sisters elect the youngest and most beautiful sister Zhinü the weaver girl to retrieve their clothing. She does so, but since Niulang has seen her naked, she must agree to his request for marriage. She became a wonderful wife, and Niulang a good husband . But the Goddess of Heaven finds out that a mortal has married one of the fairy girls and is furious. Taking out her hairpin, the Goddess scratches a river in the sky to separate the two lovers forever thus forming the Milky Way .Zhinü must sit forever on one side of the river while Niulang watches her from afar and takes care of their two children .But once a year all the magpies in the world take pity on them and fly up into heaven to form a bridge over the star Deneb in the Cygnus constellation so the lovers may be together for a single night, the seventh night of the seventh moon.
