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    03-14 12:38:20    浏览次数: 527次    栏目:职称英语考试试题

标签:职称英语考试试题,职称英语考试答案,职称英语考试真题,http://www.deyou8.com 2017年职称英语考试理工类(C级)试题,
  In addition to stopping wasting our precious water,one useful step we should take is to develop ways of reusing it.Experiments have already been done in this field,but only on a small scale.
  Today,in most large cities,water is used only once and it eventually returns to the sea or runs into underground storage tanks.But it is possible to pipe water that has been used to a purifying(净化)plant.There it can be filtered(过滤)and treated with chemicals so that it can be used againjust as if it were flesh from a spring.
  But even if every large city purified and reused its water,we still would not have enough.Where could we turn next?To the oceans!A11 we'd have to do to make use of the vast amount of
  sea-water is-remove the salt.This salt-removing process is already m use in many parts of the world.
  So if we take all these steps,we'll be in no danger of drying up !
  36 The phrase''the world"in the first line of the passage refers to
  A  "man".
  B  "you".
  C  "woman".
  D  "they".
  37 What percentage of the earth's water can man actually use at present?
  A  Nearly 75 percent.
  B  About 97 percent.
  C  Exactly 3 percent.
  D  Less than 3 percent.
  38 According to the passage,we can avoid a worldwide water shortage in the furore by
  A  increasing  rainfall.
  B  reusing water and utilizing sea-water.
  C  cutting down our consumption of water.
  D  reducing the number of factories producing steel.
  39 Which of the following statements,according to the passage,is NOT true?
  A  A limited water supply will affect industrial production.
  B  Every large city purifies and reuses its water.
  C  Purified water is not exactly as flesh as spring water.
  D  Oceans are the largest water source.
  40 According to the passage,sea-water can be tureed into flesh water by
  A heating it up.
  B treating it with chemicals.
  C taking salt out of it.
  D drying it up.
  第三篇 Computers in Cars
  You're far from home on a lonely road.Shadowy forests stretch away on both sides.Athick mist(雾)makes it difficult to see far beyond your car's windshield (挡风玻璃).
  "Can this be route 90A?"you wonder.If it is ,you should be near a town.Yet there's no hint of one. Night is closing in.And you're low on gasoline.
  This is a situation where an in -car computer that can navigate would be a big help.
  A car computer that navigates?Yes!Such computers exist . Several experimental models are being tested by General Motors,Ford,Chrysler,and several foreign car makers.These computers vary in detail. But they all contain series of maps on videodiscs or videotapes.For example,one computer system contains 13,300 maps covering the continental US.
  Before starting out on a trip,a driver can type in the code for the region he or she plans to drive through.The computer then shows a map of theat region.At the same time,a tiny radio receiver linked to the computer goes to work. It picks up signals from navigation satellites such as the NAVSTAR network.Using these signals,the computer shows the car's position at all times and displays this position on the map.The computer can dalso calculate and display the best route to follow.
  A navigation computer may also receive and use data about road construction, weather conditions,and traffic jams.This information would be displayed to the driver and the computer would also use the information to work out alternate(交替的)routes.
  Most cars nowadays also contain computers that help cars run more efficiently. Microprocessors(微处理机)control certain engine functions by regulating the mixing of fuel.Data on car speed,oil pressure,revolutions per minute,enginete mperature , and fuel level can be displayed as digital data (numbers) or warning lights.
  Some auto designers suggest that a central computer display be used to clearly present such timely information as car speed and fuel level.Warning lights would indicate a drop in oil pressure or a sudden rise in engine temperature.To get more information on these conditions,the driver could call it up on the computer display screen.When needed,the computer could be "asked"to provide navigation aid or information about the car's condition.
  41 By describing a typical situation of a lost driver on the road,the arthor intends to
  A make us believe how complex the highway computer network is.
  B let us know how in-car computers are linked to road signs.
  C show us how helpful a navigation computer can be.
  D tell us that NAVSTAR has come into use.
  42 The word "navigate"in Paragraph 3 meadns
  A "help one comtrol the traffic".
  B "help one find one's way".
  C "give a ship correct information about its course".
  D "direct a plande to its destination."
  43 The dnavigation computers have one thing in common:they all
  A contain series of maps on videodisce or videotapes.
  B contain 13,300 maps covering the continentalUS.
  C can be obtained free of charge.
  D cost a lot of money.
  44 Without signals from navigation satellites,the in-car computer
  A would still be able to locate the car's position at all times.
  B would fail to locate the car's position.
C could still work out the best route to follow.
  D would seek help from the radio receiver linked to it .
  45 Of the following functions,which is NOT possessed by the navigation computer?
  A Showing a map of the region a driver plans to drive through.
  B Predicting a car crash on the road.
  C Getting information about road construction,weather conditions,and traffic jams.
  D Showing the car's position at all times and displaying it on the map.
  Home Schooling
  All children in the United States have to receive an education,but the law does not say they have.to be educated at schoo1.A number of parents prefer not to send their children to schoo1.      (46)There are about 300,000 home-schoolers in the United States today.Some parents prefer teaching their children at home because they do not believe that public schools teach the correct religious values;others believe they call provide a better educational experience fortheir children by teaching them at home.         (47)
  David Guterson and his wife teach their three children at home.Guterson says that his children leam very differently from children in schoo1.       (48)For example,when there is heavy snowfall on a winter day,it may start a discussion or reading about climate,snow removal(去除)equipment,Alaska,polai bears(北极熊),and winter tourism.A spring evening when the family is out watching the stars is a good time to ask questions about satellites and the space program        (49)

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