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游戏学英语 脑筋急转弯

    11-14 22:52:13    浏览次数: 865次    栏目:英语游戏

标签:英语游戏资料大全,http://www.deyou8.com 游戏学英语 脑筋急转弯,
87. What is it that bas 2 heads, 6 feet, 1 tail, and 4 ears? A: a man on horseback
88. What is it that we never borrow but often return? A: thanks
89. What is it that everyone can devide, but no one can see the place at which it has been devide? A: water
90. What is it that we have in the December but that we do not have in any other month? A: letter D
91. What is it that goes up but never goes down? A: age
92. What is it that passes in front of the sun yet casts no shadow? A: wind
93. What is it that when once lost you can find again? A: time
94. A houseful, a roomful, cannot catch a spoonful. A: smoke
95. 32 white houses on a red hill, now they go and now they stand still. A: teeth
96. What is deep as a house , and round as a cup ,and all the king’s horses can’t draw it up? A: well
97. Little Nanny Etticite, in a white petticoat, holding up a bright red rose. The longer she stands, the short she grows. A: candle
98. Neither a plane nor a bird am I , though you will see me in the sky ,full of water ,yet not the sea or a river, what can I be ? A: cloud
99. You can press your attire when I contact a wire . A: an electric iron 
100. What can you break without touching it? A: your promise
101. What can you see with your eyes shut? A: dream
102. What can you drop without losing anything? A: a bad habit
103. What is a well-known put-up job? A: the paper on the wall
104. What port of a watch do we use we greet someone? A: hour hand
105. What part of a watch is always old? A: the second hand
106. What soap is the hardest? A: castile(cast steel)
107. What relation is the doorstep to the doormat? A: stepfather
108. What roof never keeps out the wet? A: the roof of your mouth
109. What man’ business is best when things are dullest? A: a knife-sharpener
110. What is the most difficult key to turn? A: donkey
111. What bridge is the smallest one in the world? A: the bridge of a nose

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